Leaving chartered waters…

This is meant to be my last post for RES701, meaning that this semester is almost over. Which in turn means that my project, graduation and job hunting is one step closer. Clare asked us if we would do a review on the course and I thought that would be a great last post. That was until I came to actually write it. I am not entirely sure what to say. I guess for starters I have enjoyed the class and that is saying something seeing as my brain has been fried at every turn.


Even though my brain died a million times, I don’t think there was anything that we did that was not in some way interesting. If you have been following my blog posts, you will notice that the title of this post refers to my very first post. Man that feels like a long time ago, but in reality it was only 2 ½ months ago. I just want to say thanks to Clare for a great class with a fantastic learning environment, I think that I felt the most at ease in this class.

Now to say goodbye… Or is it hello?

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